| Description | solved | Rating
 | Less is Four by Dr Logic (solved on 23. July 2023, 15:49) | 119 |  62 %
 | 36 Hours to Thermometer by Dr Sudoku (solved on 23. July 2023, 15:45) | 432 |  79 %
 | Hooligans Underground (Slingshot U-Bahn) by Piatato (solved on 23. June 2023, 09:07) | 23 |  99 %
 | Goblin by asaddu (solved on 16. June 2023, 07:35) | 161 |  93 %
 | R is for arrows by chameleon (solved on 2. June 2023, 06:36) | 200 |  98 %
 | Swivel (Irregular Renban) by tallcat (solved on 28. May 2023, 07:08) | 163 |  96 %
 | Polar Attraction (Killer Sudoku) by Piatato (solved on 26. March 2023, 23:08) | 188 |  96 %
 | Doubler Equalines by Mad-Tyas (solved on 24. March 2023, 16:10) | 132 |  97 %
 | Skyscraper Slingshot Sudoku by Piatato (solved on 4. March 2023, 03:11) | 35 |  100 %
 | Skyscraper Slingshot Sudoku #2 by Piatato (solved on 4. March 2023, 01:02) | 31 |  99 %
 | XXX by Scruffamudda (solved on 20. February 2023, 06:37) | 121 |  95 %
 | Between Clouds (Fog of War, Sandwich) by lepton (solved on 19. February 2023, 22:49) | 499 |  91 %
 | Hybrid Star Battle Series (002) - Yin-Yang by BenceJoful (solved on 24. January 2023, 05:11) | 66 |  98 %
 | 2023 by starwarigami (solved on 5. January 2023, 08:28) | 91 |  93 %
 | Castle Wall / Yin-Yang #1 (10X10) by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 2. January 2023, 13:08) | 123 |  98 %
 | Sequence Boxes by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 2. January 2023, 00:54) | 38 |  93 %
 | Cool Knight by ademjaz (solved on 31. December 2022, 21:00) | 152 |  96 %
 | Killer Knight by ademjaz (solved on 31. December 2022, 20:59) | 253 |  88 %
 | Numbered Cave Fillomino by Agent (solved on 29. December 2022, 07:39) | 50 |  99 %
 | Fogrotto by mathpesto (solved on 28. December 2022, 07:35) | 185 |  96 %