| Description | solved | Rating
| Here Comes the Pitch! by Will Power (solved on 14. June 2023, 13:09) | 218 | 92 %
| Extenban Quads by Blobz (solved on 12. June 2023, 22:57) | 132 | 95 %
| No 7 Consecutive Pairs by Scruffamudda (solved on 10. June 2023, 11:30) | 65 | 86 %
| Light Thru Double-Pane Glass by Will Power (solved on 10. June 2023, 11:04) | 555 | 91 %
| The King's stables by lars (solved on 9. June 2023, 21:52) | 122 | 90 %
| Whispering Bishops by Pulsar (solved on 9. June 2023, 21:15) | 40 | 79 %
| Name Series: Grace by Tingo (solved on 5. June 2023, 16:29) | 365 | 91 %
| Sharing Economy by Blashyrkh (solved on 5. June 2023, 16:22) | 133 | 97 %
| Tan Lines by Ned Howarth (solved on 4. June 2023, 20:02) | 121 | 92 %
| Dynamite by FKlauser (solved on 2. June 2023, 13:15) | 27 | 96 %
| Pinwheel of Whispers #2 by greyden (solved on 1. June 2023, 15:57) | 56 | 86 %
| An Abacus for Abekas by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 1. June 2023, 08:37) | 145 | 88 %
| Showcase: The Properties of a 6X6 Diagonal Sudoku by AstralSky (solved on 31. May 2023, 08:57) | 114 | 77 %
| Some Sequence by asaddu (solved on 31. May 2023, 08:45) | 116 | 84 %
| Fünfzehn by DarthParadox (solved on 31. May 2023, 06:36) | 106 | 95 %
| Aeroplane by greyden (solved on 30. May 2023, 18:13) | 79 | 86 %
| Illusion by XeonRisq (solved on 29. May 2023, 18:18) | 27 | 91 %
| Skinning the Almond by Awedish (solved on 29. May 2023, 17:12) | 38 | 88 %
| Colorado 8 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 28. May 2023, 17:20) | 409 | 96 %
| 4:38 by Tingo (solved on 28. May 2023, 16:49) | 149 | 93 %