| Description | solved | Rating
| Renban Thermo by PDN777 (solved on 12. February 2022, 12:04) | 146 | 90 %
| Entropki by Mad-Tyas (solved on 6. February 2022, 20:01) | 155 | 94 %
| Every Third Knight by JeremyDover (solved on 6. February 2022, 13:15) | 86 | 94 %
| Xentropic Lines by JeremyDover (solved on 5. February 2022, 20:41) | 154 | 90 %
| Alternating Current by Raumplaner (solved on 5. February 2022, 19:54) | 151 | 95 %
| Three Rings (and a King) by Raumplaner (solved on 5. February 2022, 15:58) | 101 | 90 %
| Turbulence // Turbulenz by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 5. February 2022, 13:36) | 49 | 88 %
| Roundabout by Joseph nehme (solved on 4. February 2022, 11:59) | 107 | 90 %
| Nana Bear by twototenth (solved on 4. February 2022, 09:00) | 132 | 90 %
| One, Two, Green For Fives by Ceedrich (solved on 1. February 2022, 04:09) | 190 | 85 %
| You Complete Me by Will Power (solved on 27. January 2022, 12:08) | 22 | 95 %
| One Way Signs (Einbahnstraßenschilder) by Will Power (solved on 2. January 2022, 19:02) | 77 | 84 %
| Thermo variant #24: Cumulative Thermos by djorr (solved on 2. January 2022, 18:26) | 74 | 87 %
| Anti Anti Extra (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 2. January 2022, 17:39) | 80 | 89 %
| Football Formations (Arrow Sudoku) by Niverio (solved on 2. January 2022, 16:26) | 70 | 89 %
| Happy New Year 2022 by J0llywalrus (solved on 1. January 2022, 20:11) | 150 | 89 %
| Up/Down by the_cogito (solved on 29. December 2021, 20:39) | 136 | 98 %
| Holiday SZN by djorr (solved on 28. December 2021, 19:33) | 82 | 94 %
| Kropped to Fit by SSG (solved on 28. December 2021, 15:00) | 42 | 88 %
| The Miracle of Entropy by SimiC (solved on 28. December 2021, 13:30) | 121 | 96 %