| Description | solved | Rating
| Knights and Crosses by ste221093 (solved on 12. July 2022, 04:03) | 89 | 89 %
| Wheel Balancer (Reifenwuchtmaschine) by Will Power (solved on 9. July 2022, 16:24) | 255 | 91 %
| A Walk in the Park (im Park spazieren gehen) by Will Power (solved on 6. July 2022, 16:26) | 184 | 90 %
| Odd One Out (4x4) by kikanya (solved on 6. July 2022, 11:36) | 409 | 77 %
| 5x5 Snack by troptot (solved on 6. July 2022, 11:33) | 142 | 86 %
| Tight Rope / Straffes Seil by PDN777 (solved on 4. July 2022, 00:12) | 289 | 89 %
| Jay by Malrog (solved on 3. July 2022, 00:33) | 234 | 92 %
| Failnaught by tesseralis (solved on 30. June 2022, 11:54) | 54 | 91 %
| Fractured DNA by Will Power (solved on 30. June 2022, 11:15) | 171 | 89 %
| Mad Scientist's Fabric Box by Skunkworks (solved on 29. June 2022, 21:15) | 168 | 95 %
| Bootid Meteor Shower by manushand (solved on 28. June 2022, 23:46) | 251 | 90 %
| Closed Circuit by primovera (solved on 24. June 2022, 15:02) | 87 | 87 %
| Double C Sudoko by HansMeerbach (solved on 24. June 2022, 03:30) | 62 | 66 %
| Hole In One by Malrog (solved on 21. June 2022, 20:43) | 121 | 88 %
| Where Do We Go Now? by Chefofdeath (solved on 15. June 2022, 01:25) | 89 | 71 %
| A Killer - Killer Sudoku by Mr.Menace (solved on 12. June 2022, 19:14) | 168 | 93 %
| Theseus by Nordy (solved on 12. June 2022, 18:46) | 88 | 92 %
| # Hashtag by Will Power (solved on 12. June 2022, 15:19) | 481 | 92 %
| Xclusive Knights 2 by Blobz (solved on 10. June 2022, 20:58) | 136 | 84 %
| It's a Gas Gas Gas by manushand (solved on 7. June 2022, 22:17) | 215 | 83 %