| Description | solved | Rating
 | Roller Coaster mit Myxo by KNT (on 18. September 2023, 23:43) | 18 |  97 %
 | Slitherlink Cave Sudoku by RockyRoer (on 16. August 2023, 14:05) | 63 |  97 %
 | Loop with a Coral Infestation by KNT (on 20. August 2023, 20:00) | 24 |  100 %
 | Outliar Slitherlink by virtual (on 20. August 2023, 23:23) | 86 |  95 %
 | The rabbit and the little ninja by filuta (on 23. August 2023, 22:52) | 5 |  N/A
 | Colossal Slitherlink Sudoku by Agent (on 5. September 2023, 09:00) | 45 |  99 %
 | Slitherlink Stations by Agent (on 12. September 2023, 09:00) | 99 |  96 %
 | Large Grid with Arrows (1 cell = 1 stream) by mathpesto (on 21. September 2023, 22:50) | 39 |  95 %
 | Ƨ Slithering Loop Ƨ by ElChiglia (on 14. October 2023, 08:05) | 42 |  91 %
 | ∞ Interfering Loops ∞ by ElChiglia (on 18. October 2023, 18:37) | 37 |  97 %
 | Seven Seven By Seven by KusaneHexaku (on 19. October 2023, 00:23) | 41 |  95 %
 | Lupins Fluchtweg by Menxar (on 16. November 2023, 15:33) | 3 |  N/A
 | Slitherlink Akari Pentomino Partial Latin Square With Ciphered Clues by filuta (on 2. December 2023, 17:42) | 7 |  N/A
 | Build Your Own Nuri-Maze #3: Crossing Slitherlink by Myxo (on 22. February 2024, 14:43) | 16 |  96 %
 | Double Loop Japanese Sums by Agent (on 26. February 2024, 09:00) | 23 |  94 %
 | Slitherlink Sudoku by adafheyesh (on 4. March 2024, 07:16) | 5 |  N/A
 | LM24-Quali Fingerübung 7: Rundweg mit Kreuzungen by ibag (on 16. March 2024, 20:24) | 27 |  89 %
 | Slither-Kropki-Doku by The Bard (on 12. March 2024, 05:08) | 56 |  96 %
 | GP24 Leftover: Nth-Seen + Rundweg by ibag (on 22. March 2024, 20:24) | 23 |  99 %
 | Ana-"con"-da Slitherlink by yttrio (on 22. March 2024, 19:46) | 106 |  98 %