Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Large Grid with Arrows (1 cell = 1 stream)

(Eingestellt am 21. September 2023, 22:50 Uhr von mathpesto)

This puzzle was made to celebrate zetamath's 200th sudoku stream!


Draw a non-intersecting, orthogonally connected loop through the centers of some cells. Every cell in the grid is one of three types: fully inside the loop, fully outside the loop, or part of the loop. A 2x2 area cannot be entirely one cell type.

Cells inside the loop form one orthogonally connected area and cells outside the loop are orthogonally connected to the edges of the grid.

A number with arrows indicates the total amount of cells of its own type (not including itself) in those directions combined.


Lösungscode: Number of cells on the loop in Row 1, followed by Row 2, Row 3, and Row 4

Zuletzt geändert am 25. November 2023, 14:08 Uhr

Gelöst von cmb, wisty, Niverio, jkuo7, Statistica, MicroStudy, wand, Jesper, wooferzfg, Bellsita, KNT, angusg, MaizeGator, webato, The Book Wyrm, jessica6, Niku, KyubiBoy, Jero34, Christounet, SterlingWest, thisguy, CHalb, misko, mortaxic, Torvelo, Uhu, Vebby, SeveNateNine, Syhill, Tug, nicuber, Einitsu, StephenR, susadoraku, Mikemerin, TheBestJimmy
Komplette Liste


am 30. Oktober 2023, 09:37 Uhr von CHalb
That was great! I really liked the process of step by step getting inside about what some clues actually imply.

am 15. Oktober 2023, 09:59 Uhr von Christounet
200 cells of pleasure ! Impressive minimalism. Thanks :)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Oktober 2023, 18:26 Uhr

am 2. Oktober 2023, 18:25 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Very nice puzzle. Looked like it would be tough at first glance, and I nearly passed it by, but I'm glad I didn't. It had a very clean and smooth solve path, and is surprisingly approachable.

am 22. September 2023, 23:33 Uhr von wooferzfg
Nice, thanks!

am 22. September 2023, 05:04 Uhr von wisty
Cool puzzle! Thanks for sharing! Neat minimal grid too. More than 2 star diff imo, unless I missed something that did a lot of work. I'm curious what this kind of ruleset can do without the cave restrictions.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:37 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

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