| Description | solved | Rating
 | Orbit by Qodec (on 16. September 2020, 21:38) | 64 |  100 %
 | Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku #3 by Phistomefel (on 11. February 2021, 23:20) | 111 |  96 %
 | Odd Corners by jharris3791 (on 23. July 2021, 23:31) | 7 |  N/A
 | I Chased a Polecat Up a Tree (Inequality Series #5) by twototenth (on 5. October 2021, 08:00) | 27 |  93 %
 | Mosaic cogs [Extended diagonal XV - virtual sudoku] by SimplePurpleFrog (on 2. November 2021, 04:05) | 23 |  100 %
 | Ne Plus Ultra by Andrewsarchus (on 3. February 2022, 08:55) | 53 |  100 %
 | Valiant Viper in the King's Garden (Chess Snake Sudoku) by Nordy (on 5. April 2022, 01:20) | 29 |  95 %
 | Fractured by Andrewsarchus (on 13. June 2022, 09:15) | 34 |  97 %
 | Induction (Nonconsecutive German Whispers Sudoku) by Phistomefel (on 14. June 2022, 09:05) | 123 |  96 %
 | Orb 4: It's All Gone Wrogn! by DiMono (on 14. June 2022, 20:32) | 29 |  99 %
 | The Knight and the Knave (Legit/Liar Sudoku) by mathpesto (on 16. August 2022, 23:13) | 75 |  97 %
 | Seventeen by Blobz (on 19. August 2022, 16:00) | 112 |  94 %
 | Wrogn Answers Only by jwsinclair (on 19. October 2022, 19:44) | 196 |  98 %
 | [Fog of War series]1. Traveller From the North by AstralSky (on 22. October 2022, 04:24) | 107 |  89 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 2.Interlinked by AstralSky (on 26. October 2022, 04:36) | 65 |  91 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 3. Jumpgate Portals by AstralSky (on 28. October 2022, 05:51) | 75 |  92 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 4. Labyrinth by AstralSky (on 3. November 2022, 15:51) | 55 |  91 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 5.Radar Arrays by AstralSky (on 7. November 2022, 03:48) | 117 |  92 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 6.Self-Exclusion by AstralSky (on 12. November 2022, 06:07) | 47 |  72 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 7. Lucky 7 by AstralSky (on 13. November 2022, 17:04) | 62 |  83 %