[Fog of War Series] 7. Lucky 7
(Eingestellt am 13. November 2022, 17:04 Uhr von AstralSky)
- Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
- Slot Machine rules apply for columns 2,5,8:The 9 numbers they contain have to be in exactly the same order, taking into account that they wrap around the grid from top to bottom.
- Additionally, Row 5 is the result you get from the slot reel.In a slot reel, if digit 7 is above Row 5, the digit X one cell below it indicates if the digit 7 move down X cells it`ll be in Row 5. If digit 7 is below Row 5, the digit Y one cell above it indicates if the digit 7 move up Y cells it`ll be in Row 5. The three digits you spun(Colored in Green) add up to 21.
- Digits along an arrow sum to its attached circle.
Solving Link:
- Havem`t played Slot Machine puzzles before? You can try Richard`s Slot Machine puzzle first to get familiar with the ruleset.
Lösungscode: Row 7 then Row 9
Zuletzt geändert am 13. November 2022, 18:34 Uhr
Gelöst von saskia-daniela, kublai, Snookerfan, efnenu, BlackApolloX, SKORP17, ScatterBrain, sirkluckington, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Raistlen, GutenTag, DiMono, KevinTheMH, Cypher, Edward1224, gfoot, DetroitPiston, ... Sewerin, Julianl, PippoForte, Terrapin, Sliark, CutiePancake, jkuo7, ElChiglia, wiry, kp0hyc, WvdWest, panceps, MaxSmartable, Smoncko, SparklePuzzle, whtshername, Kekes, itweb, tdeo, belnovic
am 13. November 2022, 18:34 Uhr von AstralSky
Fixed a rule typo in CTC link
am 13. November 2022, 18:32 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice, I found it very tricky though. Thank you!