| Description | solved | Rating
| Of Mice and Ten by Dr Logic (on 12. September 2023, 10:03) | 222 | 86 %
| Sprinting in the Dark by shinggaming (on 17. September 2023, 21:00) | 439 | 91 %
| Yes, I put the arrow there by ThePedallingPianist (on 20. September 2023, 23:55) | 141 | 84 %
| Killer Limit by Jolly Rogers (on 30. September 2023, 21:31) | 51 | 87 %
| Haunted House by Tingo (on 31. October 2023, 00:00) | 160 | 91 %
| Stardust 1 by RedBarchetta (on 5. November 2023, 04:11) | 31 | 82 %
| Swirly Petals by Sniglett (on 6. November 2023, 02:35) | 99 | 92 %
| Koi Windoku by Sniglett (on 9. November 2023, 16:08) | 42 | 78 %
| Ball lightning by Testarossa (on 11. November 2023, 17:58) | 39 | 86 %
| Contrail by arbitrary (on 11. November 2023, 20:16) | 47 | 93 %
| Murder Mystery Sudoku Style (0-9 Challenge) by The Bard (on 14. December 2023, 20:10) | 126 | 88 %
| Apostate Snowflake/Abtrünnig Schneeflocke by Ryx (on 16. December 2023, 01:42) | 96 | 86 %
| Shattering The Enigmatic Thermometer by kierownik (on 12. January 2024, 12:00) | 218 | 88 %
| Treasure hunt by GemmaOane (on 31. December 2023, 15:24) | 96 | 82 %
| Egg's Stolen Flats by eggfriedcheese (on 4. January 2024, 23:02) | 111 | 91 %
| Multiplines & Cages by jacques_ (on 15. January 2024, 04:20) | 19 | 81 %
| Circles and Dots by juggler (on 19. January 2024, 02:51) | 201 | 88 %
| Stolen Numerals by NurglesGift (on 21. January 2024, 15:15) | 132 | 85 %
| ▣ Linesweeper Loop ▣ by ElChiglia (on 3. February 2024, 10:43) | 146 | 92 %
| Thermo Wrestling by Leto (on 5. February 2024, 17:54) | 154 | 87 %