Mystery puzzles are puzzles with few or no explanations or hints. The solver has to find and deal with very little input that has been provided by the author and try and follow their thinking patterns. These puzzles are often difficult, but finding a solution can be very rewarding. If you get stuck you may ask the author for further hints.
Description | solved | Rating | |
D.urban by hopppe (on 7. April 2012, 21:00) | 25 | 64 % | |
So früh wie möglich... by hopppe (on 25. March 2012, 02:00) | 60 | 53 % | |
Liesel by Luigi (on 14. March 2012, 08:43) | 32 | 76 % | |
Waisenkinder by Luigi (on 14. March 2012, 08:24) | 15 | 65 % | |
All hexominos are equal by RobertBe (on 2. March 2012, 15:38) | 20 | 90 % | |
Die car-ren Folge by hopppe (on 11. February 2012, 15:49) | 44 | 57 % | |
Boylenfolge by hopppe (on 18. January 2012, 21:52) | 29 | 52 % | |
Die Folgen der Folgen ... by Rollo (on 14. January 2012, 03:10) | 47 | 69 % | |
314X001HA by Skinny Norris (on 7. January 2012, 13:29) | 18 | 57 % | |
Xapa II by Dandelo (on 5. January 2012, 15:01) | 48 | 70 % | |
Pentomno Turm 36 by hopppe (on 29. December 2011, 15:00) | 16 | 73 % | |
Leben im Zoo von Sir David Affenburg by RobertBe (on 9. October 2011, 18:12) | 24 | 95 % | |
Schlaue Luchse by Rollo (on 22. September 2011, 02:22) | 64 | 72 % | |
Kleine Sommerüberraschung, Teil 5: Der Lösungscode by berni (on 24. August 2011, 10:00) | 19 | 87 % | |
Der rätselhafte Fall des Geheimagenten Addie by Luigi (on 21. July 2011, 11:44) | 11 | N/A | |
Nix mit fix : "Verhextes" Altes Rätsel in neuem Gewand by Luigi (on 14. July 2011, 15:52) | 10 | N/A | |
Folgen und ihre Töchter by Luigi (on 29. June 2011, 11:01) | 22 | 74 % | |
Associazione 1 by geophil (on 9. June 2011, 19:08) | 9 | N/A | |
raetsel um Die eckige blume by saskia-daniela (on 8. June 2011, 00:13) | 20 | 78 % | |
Mal wieder was ohne Zahlen (-Folge) by saskia-daniela (on 4. June 2011, 01:11) | 78 | 61 % |