This page contains some statistics about the puzzle portal. The statistics include the current month: if possible, a forecast for the month is shown in light grey.
Status | Count |
active | 24170 |
inactive | 1540 |
blocked | 37 |
deleted | 541 |
total | 26288 |
Published puzzles per month
In total 1678063 solutions have been enterd by 12247 puzzlers. The average number of solutions per puzzler is 137. The difficulty has been rated for 1189468 solutions (=70.9%), and the beauty has been rated for 1182127 solutions (=70.4%).
In total 170111 comments have been written by 5139 users.
12625 users have used the puzzle portal actively. Actively means that they have entered a solution for at least one puzzle or written at least one comment.