Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Emerald City

(Eingestellt am 27. Februar 2025, 06:21 Uhr von juggler)

Author's Note: This puzzle would still have a unique solution without the green line in the lower left corner. I do not know if that version is humanly solvable... if you find a way, let me know :)

click on the puzzle image to play

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

LATIN SQUARE - In the (diagonally oriented) 5x5 green grid, place the digits 1-5 in every row and column. Only digits in the centers of green squares count as being part of this grid.

GERMAN WHISPERS - Adjacent digits along each of the six thick green lines differ by at least 5.

Lösungscode: Row 9

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2025, 06:30 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, tuturitu, MokuFlows, blueberrypug, smckinley, Dentones, ChinStrap, itweb, bansalsaab, SKORP17, TripleABattery, MonsieurTRISTE, tuoni2, IcyFruit, gfoot, samuel1997, Bjd, SenatorGronk, spaanse, ... spectria.limina, Paletron, gxorgx, e_reads, psninn, SXH, byeler, Clara123, AzureFire, NEWS, Azumagao, Fisherman, Sotehr, Lorena, softie, fkib, Snookerfan, akamchinjir, woody, Franjo, prodigis
Komplette Liste


am 28. Februar 2025, 18:15 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice puzzle! Thank you

am 28. Februar 2025, 07:28 Uhr von Azumagao
It was really smooth an fun to solve. I also appreciate the jojo reference.

am 28. Februar 2025, 06:28 Uhr von Fisherman
Great puzzle. May I plead with the moderator to include Latin Square in the list of tags? Same may be done for other rulesets like index and squish.

am 28. Februar 2025, 00:32 Uhr von e_reads
I’m new to sudoku, and I’m finding that this is my favorite kind of puzzle! Lots of coloring!

am 28. Februar 2025, 00:28 Uhr von e_reads
I’m new to sudoku, and I’m finding that this is my favorite kind of puzzle! Lots of coloring!

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Februar 2025, 20:40 Uhr

am 27. Februar 2025, 20:39 Uhr von SenatorGronk
Lovely puzzle, but I found the wording of which cells were in the latin square a bit confusing. Once I examined the grid, it was clear what you intended, but think it would be clearer if it was something like “the cells surrounding by green squares.”

am 27. Februar 2025, 18:15 Uhr von TripleABattery
I was listening to the Wicked soundtrack and when I saw this, I just had to give it a try and I am very glad I did!
I solved it without the line in the lower left corner (because I'm a masochist, I guess) and it required a bifurcation chain that I would consider inelegant but not too unreasonable.

am 27. Februar 2025, 11:09 Uhr von ChinStrap
Loved it but quite tricky on the notational front for me. And quite challenging on my need for sleep. It was a lot of fun! And very pretty grid to boot.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:42 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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