Standard Square Jam Rules Apply: Divide the grid into square regions(1x1, 2x2, etc.) of orthogonally connected cells. A number indicates the side length of the square it’s in. Region borders may not form any four-way intersections. every cell of the grid is within a region.
Standard Mid Loop Rules Apply [only numbers and dots are mid clues]: Draw a single loop throughout the grid which crosses all dots and numbers. when crossing a dot or number clue, that clue lays on the midpoint of that line segment. all black curve data clues must lie on the line that reflects that shape within its region. Red curve data clues do not have to lay on the line, however they do indicate that the line within their region may not replicate that shape ever.
Partial Curve Data: black line clues must lay on a line segment that reflects their shape. segments may be of any length.
Broken Curve Data: Red line clues must never have their depicted line segment appear within the boundaries of its region.
Every region must be visited by the loop at least once.
Black cells may never be visited by the loop, but are within square jam regions.
Play on Sudoku Pad
Lösungscode: The amount of bends that the path makes in each row, starting from the top row.
Gelöst von Goldfish_Alex, wisty
am 26. Februar 2025, 20:58 Uhr von wisty
absolute freaking banger of a puzzle right here. i had so much fun getting used to the ruleset and finding my way through a clean solve path. its a long puzzle but i made consistent progress and there was nothing brutal in there or anything, every step is clear and way things resolve is equal parts beautiful and entertaining :) thanks pixy
am 26. Februar 2025, 16:31 Uhr von Goldfish_Alex
Had a blast solving this, pretty dang hard tho.