Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

High – Low 2

(Eingestellt am 25. Februar 2025, 01:46 Uhr von The Bard)

High – Low

Normal sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column, and box.

High – Low Lines: Digits on each individual line either are only high digits {5-9} or low digits {1-5}. The 5 can be on either line.

Consecutive Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive.

Sandwich: The numbers outside the grid give the sum of the digits between the 1 and the 9 in that row or column.

Dynamic Fog: Placing correct digits will remove the fog.

Solve on CTC

This is a sequel to the puzzle High Low.

If you like this puzzle you may enjoy some of my other puzzles too, click HERE to see the other puzzles I have made.

Lösungscode: Row 8

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 03:28 Uhr

Gelöst von milxqueen, by81996672, jkuo7, StevenS, Bjd, heliosfant, lmdemasi, giladooshlon, jalebc, Snookerfan, gxorgx, kublai, SKORP17, schnitzl, AN_not_IO, palpot, cryptique, sze, Myreque, lianarox, sarabtx, Joyofrandomness, MouseDragons, avishai, lune, Thibaa, totem_mapr, Lazygaga, RockyRoer, Tripodocus, stramosk, yellow, TheGrand547, Frutlop, mse326
Komplette Liste


am 26. Februar 2025, 22:55 Uhr von Tripodocus
Really enjoyed that one, getting the fog off is super satisfying

am 25. Februar 2025, 11:06 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! A huge burst of endorphins midsolve. Thank you

am 25. Februar 2025, 03:29 Uhr von The Bard
A big thank you to ChinStrap for helping with the dynamic fog and getting this right in SudokuMaker.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:35 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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