Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 24. Februar 2025, 20:31 Uhr von bigger)

Standard sudoko rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

Push the numbers outside into the grid like a drawer. The drawer must cover the first cell in it’s direction. In other words, drawer must be push in at least one cell and can’t push the white part inside

The overlapped part of the drawers must be the same digit

Its a simple idea from Old Miles when he starts. I want to finish this as he did the same for me.

Lösungscode: Row 1 and column 1(18 digits)

Gelöst von jalebc, Greg, milxqueen, FireTruckFuel, Maliiiiii, CHalb, asynchronous, waltzoftheflowers, Piatato, sth, DiMono
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am 25. Februar 2025, 23:32 Uhr von Piatato
Fun idea!

am 25. Februar 2025, 12:01 Uhr von FireTruckFuel
I am new to this site and I have not seen a puzzle like this before. I enjoyed this very much. It felt tangible, like I was actually pushing on the drawers. I am sorry that you feel discouraged. Thank you for sharing this puzzle.

Gelöst:11 mal
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