Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cranial Pain

(Eingestellt am 24. Februar 2025, 16:39 Uhr von riffclown)

Cranial Pain


• Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column and box without repetition.
• Anti-XV: Orthogonally Adjacent digits may not sum to 5 or 10.
• Killer Cages: Digits may not repeat within a cage. Links

Play in SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Row 6. 18 Digits no spaces

Gelöst von jalebc, StefanSch, Dentones, Playmaker6174, Elliott810, Greg, hermitko, SKORP17, lmdemasi, GT-R Penguin , tuturitu, jimhorse, BlackWolf, OhHeyGuysItsMax, GG_70, Bjd, nmmc123, bansalsaab, sze, ... palpot, Snookerfan, Platinum, steperlich, Fra314, Franjo, avishai, BorisTheSnake, dipiz, Dharmabum, Bionic Cheese, AKropki, Clara123, a2k, Andrewsarchus, cherryhaunt, trashghost, Vodkilis, Isael
Komplette Liste


am 28. Februar 2025, 00:24 Uhr von Andrewsarchus
Some interesting geometry in this one!

am 27. Februar 2025, 20:08 Uhr von a2k
Beautiful setting and it had a very nice flow!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2025, 17:31 Uhr

am 26. Februar 2025, 08:34 Uhr von SocratesRanz
Very nice. But like Franjo I found it not too difficult, maybe 2 stars.

--I don't know what to say. I guess you found something that neither I nor my testers found..

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 20:11 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2025, 20:09 Uhr von Franjo
Very nice puzzle with a beautiful and elegant setting! But - I found it quite approachable and gave 2 stars, which never happened before when trying a 4-stars-puzzle… Thank you very much for creating and sharing this gem.

--An honest rating is an honest rating. Thank You!, --riffclown

am 25. Februar 2025, 16:59 Uhr von Platinum
Thoroughly enjoyed, proper brain workout

am 25. Februar 2025, 16:56 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! I got to the finish-line in the end with some magical deductions, so I hope those were indeed intended for the solve, but it is also possible I did it in a convoluted way and got lucky to find a way through. Very enjoyable. Thank you!

am 25. Februar 2025, 14:11 Uhr von mihel111
Elegant setup and fascinating geometry, working brilliantly with the anti-XV rule.
Great puzzle.

am 24. Februar 2025, 21:10 Uhr von GT-R Penguin
Fabulous puzzle and flow - thank you!

am 24. Februar 2025, 18:46 Uhr von Elliott810
Brilliant construction with wonderful geometry! Thank you:)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:47 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

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