Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 21. Februar 2025, 16:09 Uhr von zetamath)

[This puzzle was created with help from viewers in my stream. Thanks for your help everyone! You can find a VOD of its creation here ]

Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal rules for renban, nabner, modular lines, region sum lines, entropic lines, white dots black dots, and German whispers apply. These constraints are described in more detail below.

A digit in a circle is either greater than every digit it touches orthogonally or less than every digit it touches orthogonally.

There are no negative constraints of any kind.

German Whispers (GW): Along the lime green lines, adjacent digits must differ by at least 5.

Renban Lines (REN): The purple line in the grid is a renban line. Digits on a renban form a set of non-repeating, consecutive digits in any order.

Region Sum Lines (RSL): Blue lines in the grid are Region Sum Lines. The sum of digits on the line is the same within each box.

Entropic Lines (ENT): Any three adjacent digits along a peach line must include one digit from 123, one from 456, and one from 789.

Modular Lines (MOD): Any three adjacent digits along a weird off green-ish colored line must include one digit from 147, one from 258, and one from 369.

Nabner Lines (NAB): Any two digits along a somewhat sickly looking gold colored line must differ by at least two (regardless of their position on the line). In particular, they must be distinct, and must not be consecutive.

Kropki Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio of 2:1.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

This puzzle is available on Sudokupad.

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles two days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Lösungscode: Row 8

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Februar 2025, 18:35 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, gfoot, Piff, Elliott810, arbitrary, Da Letter El, TrivialHomology, SirWoezel, OGRussHood, Bjd, Vodakhan , sze, bansalsaab, jkuo7, smckinley, by81996672, Snookerfan, giladooshlon, Bionic Cheese, Mennoo_, AzureFire, SXH, widjo, Clara123, IcyFruit, StefanSch, tallcat, vorash00, greyhathero, Bobbobert
Komplette Liste


am 26. Februar 2025, 23:11 Uhr von greyhathero
Break in took me way longer than I care to admit, but once you see it. Beautiful

am 22. Februar 2025, 11:05 Uhr von Snookerfan
Nice one. Thank you!

am 21. Februar 2025, 22:17 Uhr von OGRussHood
What better way to spend a Friday afternoon than solving a puzzle with loads of geometric witchcraft.

am 21. Februar 2025, 19:10 Uhr von gfoot
It's a nice blend of lots of different constraints in various combinations, not too difficult when you find your way in!

am 21. Februar 2025, 18:35 Uhr von zetamath
Fixed typo in solution code

am 21. Februar 2025, 18:27 Uhr von SKORP17
Der Lösungscode funktioniert nicht

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:30 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal


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