Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

German Whispers Delux

(Eingestellt am 20. Februar 2025, 15:55 Uhr von Justalilguy)


  • Place digits 0-9 in each row and column without repeats. Digits cannot repeat in a box bound by solid borders.
  • German whispers: Adjacent digits on a green line must be at least 5 apart from each other.
  • Bifurcation is not required.

Play online in Sudokupad.

Lösungscode: row 3

Gelöst von SKORP17, bansalsaab, Bootenks, StefanSch, Da Letter El, luisdcnt, Snookerfan, Azumagao, sirkohli, D00m, ___, dennischen, AzureFire, jmw, sze, Clara123, zlotnleo, lmdemasi
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 21. Februar 2025, 22:26 Uhr

am 21. Februar 2025, 21:58 Uhr von ___
wild ride with fun and novel ways to make progress. enjoyed it a lot. thanks justalilguy!
Thank you!

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Februar 2025, 19:44 Uhr

am 21. Februar 2025, 11:00 Uhr von Snookerfan
Sublime puzzle! I loved how the highs and lows were disambiguated in kind of a weird way. Thank you for this gem!
hahahahaha yeah, it is a little weird, glad you had fun!

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Februar 2025, 20:36 Uhr

am 20. Februar 2025, 20:25 Uhr von Bootenks
An amazing puzzle with some clever hidden deductions!
Thank you for the nice comment!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:18 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal


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