Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pins and Needles

(Eingestellt am 22. Februar 2025, 10:58 Uhr von .proxz14)

This is my first attempt at building a fog puzzle, it's meant to be beginner-friendly. I hope you enjoy it!

Normal (Fog) Sudoku rules apply - fill every row, column, and 3x3 region with the digits 1 to 9 once each. Placing correct digits will remove fog from surrounding cells to reveal more clues.
German Whispers: Adjacent digits on a green german whispers line must have a difference of at least 5.
Renban: Each pink line must contain a set of consecutive non-repeating digits in any order.
Arrows: Digits along an arrow must sum to the circled digit.
XV Kropki: Digits separated by an X must sum to 10. Digits separated by a V must sum to 5. Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio.
All possible black dots on the grid are given, but not all white dots, X's and V's.

🎵 "It's never a whisper, it's always a scream
A promise we made to kill the time between
They live in the heartbeat and sleep till the light is gone
It's been so long
Feels like pins and needles in my heart
So long
I can feel it tearing me apart" 🎵
The Birthday Massacre - Pins and Needles

Play on sudokuapp

Lösungscode: Column 2 (top-down)

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 23:54 Uhr

Gelöst von MayorasMask, LehanLehan, EmX68, OutOfMyMindBRB, ghaia, Fizz, Visumation, NineK, jkuo7, Postnormal, Lorena, tgstar, Niverio, horia, maglia, cmigas, Photyne, jalebc, scushuaishuai, mos, Elytron, ... Gilma, Raistlen, Roberto, PatMac, bluebird, Marco1994, TeddieMilo, Slumped_5, Supertaster, Ungesundheit, SanFranSam, nicuber, Frutlop, rojspencer, NickTheGreek, TheGrand547, LIKE, maniacaljackal
Komplette Liste


am 27. Februar 2025, 23:23 Uhr von SanFranSam
I was getting stuck until i read Suxamethonium's comment. Lesson learned here too.

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2025, 19:55 Uhr

am 24. Februar 2025, 00:06 Uhr von Suxamethonium
Well that'll teach me to skim read the rules! Got stuck for a while until I read them properly and noticed the negative constraint.

.proxz14's response: Always read the rules :)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2025, 19:54 Uhr

am 23. Februar 2025, 19:14 Uhr von ostio456
Fun and enjoyable puzzle, got stuck until i remembered all black kropki dots were given!

.proxz14's response: Negative constraint is so easy to forget sometimes, you are not alone. Thank you!

am 23. Februar 2025, 06:47 Uhr von LancelotAugustus

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2025, 19:54 Uhr

am 23. Februar 2025, 06:07 Uhr von reverendgodless
Quite easy but has a very nice solve pattern. Enjoyable!

.proxz14's response: Thank you!

am 22. Februar 2025, 23:54 Uhr von .proxz14
edited tags, I never noticed I even put on "neu" until it was commented thats my bad

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 23:55 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2025, 22:50 Uhr von fuxia
The tag "NEU" is meant for completely new rules, please respect that. This puzzle uses only standard rules.

.proxz14's response: Fixed, I didn't realise I put it on for this puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 23:55 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2025, 22:15 Uhr von zixx

.proxz14's response: Thanks!

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 20:36 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2025, 19:24 Uhr von 91loves
i loved this!

.proxz14's response: and i loved that you loved this :)

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 20:37 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2025, 19:02 Uhr von hardline35
Very enjoyable fog puzzle, thank you!

.proxz14's response: Very enjoyable comment, thank you!

am 22. Februar 2025, 15:33 Uhr von Rollo
Frage: Was ist NEU an diesem Rätsel?

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Februar 2025, 18:21 Uhr

am 22. Februar 2025, 14:23 Uhr von Lorena
Easygoing and fun, thank you!

.proxz14's response: Nooo, thank you!

am 22. Februar 2025, 11:27 Uhr von .proxz14
updated link for the puzzle

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:224 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal


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