Click here to do your homework in Sven’s SudokuPad.
Make sure you hand it in online, no paper copies will be accepted.
Welcome to Kindergarten! I’m your substitute teacher, Ms. Lorena. Your classwork for today will be to colour in all the little squares beside the 6, where the lines are missing. You can use any colour you want! No, Daniel, don’t paint the lines just yet, we’ll do that tomorrow. Just colouring today.
Does anybody know the difference between two numbers in the red line? That’s right, one!
Can anybody tell me the difference between two numbers in the blue lines? At least two, very good!
What about the pink lines? Anybody? Yes, a difference of at least three!
And the orange lines? What’s that, dear? You think that’s yellow? Not a problem, I’ve labeled them for you. See the number 4 beside them? That means they need to have a difference of at least…? Four! You’re doing amazing!
And finally the green ones! Yes, dear, they are the colour of Shrek. And what is the minimum difference between two numbers in a Shrek line? Five, of course! I’m so proud of you all!
Now make sure you take them home and ask your parents to fill them in according to normal sudoku rules. Did everybody get that? Su-do-ku. Yes, like sudowoodo but with a coo at the end, you got it. Oops, I almost forgot! And also tell them it’s Global Mod 3! That’s glo-bal mo-… you know what? Never mind, I’ll send them a note. All right, recess everyone!
Dear parents: The grid in today’s homework is Global Mod 3, so every 2x2 square must have at least one digit from each of these sets: {1,4,7}, {2,5,8} and {3,6,9}. Please do not solve in the children’s workbook, kindly refer to the online version. Regards, Ms. Lorena.
This homework is part of Ms. Lorena’s April Fools series. You can find her other worksheets here.
Many many thanks to the lovelies Myxo, Ghaia and Jake for testing ❤️ and to Lake and his Twitch chat (especially damo_8989) for insisting that I use this specific April Fools trick in a puzzle.
Lösungscode: The Shrek digits, in normal Western reading order, without spaces.
am 18. Februar 2025, 10:41 Uhr von Chelo
Another one of your puzzles that look out of the box!.. I really like and appreciate them. Take a candy for Daniel..