Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Distinctive Shapes

(Eingestellt am 16. Februar 2025, 17:16 Uhr von Moonsinh)

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.

Digits do not repeat within a cage.

The cages in the puzzle are all, up to rotation, one of three different shapes. No cage of one shape may contain a digit that is contained in a cage of a different shape.

All possible cages are given.

Normal Arrow Rules: Digits in a circle are the sum of the digits on the arrow attached to that circle.

Normal Partial Kropki Rules: Digits in cells connected by a white dot are consecutive.

Sudokupad: Play here!

Lösungscode: First row of the sudoku.

Gelöst von SKORP17, 99%Sneaky, jalebc, AnalyticalNinja , micjo, Miaocik, AnnaKath, Nylimb, Raistlen, josemadre, Chris4927, tetchytomcat, abadx, xocolatl, katze, treb, gonzalez87, larmoejr, Dreamy4Vada, ... Joyofrandomness, lordbezao, M_Kil, MontanaPearl, RogueBandit, abihummel, thoughtbyte, Damax, kross, jgarber, Vaurien, Archon, Elytron, Kirra, humm42, Pegazus, Rex, Fustrate, Squiz, agvard, Cypher
Komplette Liste


am 17. Februar 2025, 13:34 Uhr von jlaitio
Nice puzzle, easy to grok the rare ruleset, cool ending :)

am 17. Februar 2025, 05:24 Uhr von larmoejr
Thank you for the puzzle

am 16. Februar 2025, 18:24 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Very cool concept for a constraint, and implemented in a way to create a fun and interesting solve :) Thanks for sharing!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:70 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal


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