Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rainbow Quadauq

(Eingestellt am 16. Februar 2025, 05:49 Uhr von timotab)

  • Normal Sudoku Rules apply
  • Quadruples: Digits in a Quadruple circle must be placed at least once in the four cells touching that circle.
  • Palindrome lines: Digits along the grey lines read the same forwards and backwards. (e.g. 1534351)
Play on Sudokupad

As well as setting puzzles, I also solve puzzles on YouTube. Please check it out!

Lösungscode: Column 9

Gelöst von wisty, Tyrgannus, by81996672, jalebc, apendleton, seeppp, abenormal, dickey, Adrian71, Villse, fuxia, Inge, BlackWolf, Bjd, SirWoezel, Myreque, gxorgx, redgecko, Snookerfan, keesh, Tao519, nunc, ... Kallor, b413x, Julianl, ankpress, mercierus, bugsduggan, ryan_campbell2010, jasonprobably, Marigold, Andrewmi3, BorisTheSnake, brimmy, dipiz, Vodakhan , stramosk, ofsmul, nmmc123, Bulkystapler
Komplette Liste


am 16. Februar 2025, 23:32 Uhr von chubnatty
Great fun, loved the coloring exercise!

am 16. Februar 2025, 22:39 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very nice use of quads and palindromes. An excellent puzzle. Thanks!

am 16. Februar 2025, 15:24 Uhr von Franjo
Funny coloring exercise, very delightful puzzle. Thank you very much for creating and sharing.

am 16. Februar 2025, 13:42 Uhr von Snookerfan
Beautiful puzzle, nice exercise and great fun! Thank you

am 16. Februar 2025, 11:19 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle!

am 16. Februar 2025, 10:23 Uhr von Adrian71
This is such a lovely puzzle! So enjoyable, great setting, thank you!

am 16. Februar 2025, 05:59 Uhr von wisty
really nice, thanks

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:82 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

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