Near Maximum Torque
(Eingestellt am 13. Februar 2025, 21:07 Uhr von Will Power)
SIGNIFICANT ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION REQUIRED AT THE END, TO SOLVE. Normal Sudoku rules apply. The numbers in SQUARES are weights of that value. The line on the grid is treated like a balanced mobile. All weights on the line or attached and BELOW it calculate into completing the balance. TORQUE- Torque is the weight multiplied by the distance from the red balance point. Distances for each column are listed above the grid. Balance all TORQUES attached to the right and left of the RED balance point at a total of 414 on each side. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Numbers with a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible dots are given. THERMOMETERS- Numbers on thermometers increase from the bulb end.
Solve on CTC
Lösungscode: Column 1.
Gelöst von kroutu, SKORP17, MarthaB, abihummel, jalebc, Chelo, pms_headache, ludvigr04, Baklin, Postnormal, Sellers, Matthew Humphrey, metacom, geronimo92, -Tsigje-
am 16. Februar 2025, 16:04 Uhr von geronimo92
Beautiful construction but certainly not 3 stars, probably 1.5
Zuletzt geändert am 14. Februar 2025, 15:46 Uhram 14. Februar 2025, 12:28 Uhr von pms_headache
Loved it! But if you were doing a significant amount of math at the end, you were doing too much! I did no multiplication and forgot that you told us the total weight. Thanks for a fun puzzle.
@pms_headache You should have had a deadly pattern, of about 8 cells at the end, that required the balancing, with addition and multiplication of all columns. If not, you found something I didn't, or maybe you fell into the correct solution, by mistake. Thanks for playing. Peace to you. -Will Power