Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bonus Edition: Rise Up (Killer + Arrow)

(Eingestellt am 12. Februar 2025, 03:00 Uhr von Playmaker6174)

Here's another bonus edition of myself with one of my favorite combos of rules, and this one actually appeared on the recent edition of Artisanal Sudoku blog by my friend James Sinclair as a special gift; I can highly recommend that blog if you want more entertaining and cool sudoku puzzles in every week.
In a sense, this has many resemblances to my older puzzle High Impact in terms of setting.

I initially put this one as around 2.5 - 3 stars difficulty range and from what I saw, this one should remain approachable throughout the solve here. I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :)


- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.

- Within a cage, digits don't repeat and they sum to the small number written at the top left of that cage.

- Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the circle cell attached to that arrow. Digits can repeat along an arrow if allowed by other rules.

Puzzle:F-puzzle  -  Penpa plus  -  Sudokupad

Good luck and have fun solving!

Lösungscode: Enter row 2 from left to right, 9 digits long

Gelöst von apendleton, Willkimo, Greg, killer_rectangle, lianarox, therealsillypenguin, edd, jalebc, BlackWolf, Kallor, rameshsrivats, Ambrose, cipher8669, Killer-Ly , seeppp, Dermerlin, fuxia, LachyDachy, ... Xmaxlx, SpinelSun, koiking, H.I. McDunnough, dickey, Gizmo, crhodgkin, sedici, Chiefredhawk, jayordo, phs, Partario, abadx, ignigomoreno, ICHTUES, teuthida, pollyparrot, kthejoker, KyleBaran
Komplette Liste


am 17. Februar 2025, 19:46 Uhr von ICHTUES
Wow, very nice little puzzle!

am 13. Februar 2025, 00:43 Uhr von antiknight

am 12. Februar 2025, 21:34 Uhr von wuc
Great puzzle. For me not easy 2.5* at least. Great fun thx.

am 12. Februar 2025, 20:06 Uhr von RobotChicken
Very nice!

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Februar 2025, 18:41 Uhr

am 12. Februar 2025, 18:38 Uhr von glum_hippo
I found this on the Artisanal Sudoku blog and thought it was marvelous! Some very pretty logic.

am 12. Februar 2025, 17:59 Uhr von madhupt
Very smooth puzzle. Thankfully! Pretty approachable by @Playmaker6174’s standards. Thanks for sharing this.

am 12. Februar 2025, 16:52 Uhr von Calvinball
Wow! Just wow!

am 12. Februar 2025, 15:14 Uhr von Myxo
Amazingly smooth!

am 12. Februar 2025, 14:50 Uhr von PinkNickels
I saw this on James' site a little while ago and cleared out the solution just to solve it again. Very clean setting. Thanks for sharing.

am 12. Februar 2025, 13:53 Uhr von dumediat
Pure magic, thank you!

am 12. Februar 2025, 11:09 Uhr von galium_odoratum
I usually do not enjoy Killer Sudokus that much, but this one flowed nicely and was suprisingly fun!

am 12. Februar 2025, 11:03 Uhr von Piatato
Pure elegance! Felt like a clean and very fun 1 star to me.

am 12. Februar 2025, 08:24 Uhr von Killer-Ly
To me it felt easier than 2*. Loved it very much. Thank you!

am 12. Februar 2025, 04:47 Uhr von therealsillypenguin
Really great puzzle with satisfying deductions! I think 2.5* is fair, as the logic felt easily doable, but not obvious.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:188 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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