Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Central Index

(Eingestellt am 8. Februar 2025, 07:28 Uhr von mimec)

This puzzle took some time to create, but finally I was able to find a combination of row/column indexers and Renban lines which works really well. Have fun solving it, and I appreciate your ratings and comments.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits on a purple Renban line must be a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits (in any order).
  • Shaded cells are simultaneously column and row indexers, i.e. digit X in a shaded cell in row R, column C indicates that digit C appears in column X in row R, and digit R appears in row X in column C (see example below).
  • Digits connected by an X must sum to 10. Not all Xs are given.

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In the following example, the 2 in r4c5 forces a 4 into row 2 and a 5 into column 2. Similarly, the 8 in r6c4 forces a 6 into row 8 and a 4 into column 8.

Lösungscode: Row 9

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Gelöst von Piff, handris, Nada, jalebc, tuturitu, Fisherman, efnenu, jguer, SKORP17, TripleABattery, brimmy, lianarox, therealsillypenguin, by81996672, lmdemasi, Julianl, jadezki, Nagesh
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am 9. Februar 2025, 02:58 Uhr von therealsillypenguin
This puzzle (like many index puzzles) was hard to wrap my head around at first, but then I found it has a nice flow. Thanks for sharing!

am 8. Februar 2025, 15:48 Uhr von Fisherman
Nice example. Hard and beautiful sudoku. We are grateful for using the correct reserved color.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:18 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

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