Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

On the Straightened Arrow

(Eingestellt am 6. Februar 2025, 19:50 Uhr von marty_sears)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.

  • Yin Yang Yong: Colour the grid red, yellow and blue, so that all cells of the same colour are orthogonally connected, and no 2x2 area is fully one colour.

  •  A red cell's value  = double its digit.
  •  A yellow cell's value  = its digit.
  •  A blue cell's value  = half its digit.

  • Straightened little killers: Clues outside the grid give the total value of the indicated row or column.

  • Equal value lines: A blue line joins two cells with the same value.
  • Please leave a comment if you enjoy :)

Lösungscode: Row 6 from left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2025, 20:33 Uhr

Gelöst von Flinty, tuturitu, Jesper, Alce, Silverscree, jacques_, Chopper5, Myxo, The Book Wyrm, Big Tiger, Vodakhan , lmdemasi, Mr. Happy, rameshsrivats, Agent, smckinley, willi, fkib, tuoni2, nixxo, ... br3akingp01nt, kennychar, Blake Saligia, skuntsel, kevinlimanta, furkae, DonQuichopp, OnOffL, dpatti, Clementi, Firebird, cafce25, -Tsigje-, jonmag, jinkela114514, OGRussHood, tkn, virus_dave
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 14. Februar 2025, 11:57 Uhr

am 14. Februar 2025, 10:55 Uhr von DonQuichopp
I loved this puzzle, didn't know how to approach it for quite a long time. And then it clicked. After that the flow was wonderful, it always guided you to the next deduction in line.

Hopefully there'll be a CtC video of this. I'd love to see Simons' thought process on this. I needed an excel table, where I could play with double/single/half-digits and their sum. Doing this in my head alone, no way! My brain would probably melt ;-)

Thanks Marty for another great 6 hours of my life (and I mean that with all seriousness)

Marty: thankyou, and you're in luck! This was featured on CTC last Sunday :)

DonQuichopp: Oh, great, thanks! didn't search for it yet :-) looking forward to watching it.

am 14. Februar 2025, 02:05 Uhr von skuntsel
Extraordinary puzzle! Quite straightforward when you get a feel of it but otherwise not that easy to begin with. After solving it leaves a great feeling of accomplishment. Thanks Marty for setting it!

am 11. Februar 2025, 03:43 Uhr von greyhathero
Harder than 3 for me, but probably due to me not really doing 3 color yin yang before

am 10. Februar 2025, 15:35 Uhr von Vedvart
Almost felt like a fog of war puzzle (in a great way) with how piecemeal the logic was - there was always one single clear place to look, and the whole thing came together one step at a time quite nicely!

am 9. Februar 2025, 22:18 Uhr von mscha
Wonderful puzzle. Tricky arithmetic made my head hurt. ;-)
One of these puzzles that seem impossible, but there's always (exactly) one thing that brings you a step further.

am 8. Februar 2025, 20:42 Uhr von Gammon88
I really enjoyed this. Thank you so much

am 8. Februar 2025, 03:31 Uhr von Logerfo

am 7. Februar 2025, 17:45 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
This was a brutal introduction to three-colour yin yang, for me who didn't even do that many yin yangs to begin with, but after investigating its dynamic, it became manageable and I definitely came out of it knowing and understanding more about YYY. Thank you for this beautiful puzzle!

am 7. Februar 2025, 16:59 Uhr von Joyofrandomness
Such a treat! Thanks for great puzzle

am 7. Februar 2025, 15:10 Uhr von mihel111
The elegance of the path is a japanese garden worthy. Brilliant.

am 7. Februar 2025, 14:09 Uhr von madhupt
Wonderful puzzle! Very smooth and enjoyable! Typical Marty. Thanks for making world a better place

am 7. Februar 2025, 12:14 Uhr von Franjo
Amazing and entertaining puzzle! Thank you very much for creating and sharing another beauty. (To the best of my knowledge the idea of Yin Yang Yo/ung goes back to at least 1998, when such a puzzle was made for the WPC.)

am 7. Februar 2025, 05:12 Uhr von rameshsrivats
What a brilliant puzzle! How do you even come up with such things? :)

Zuletzt geändert am 7. Februar 2025, 02:27 Uhr

am 7. Februar 2025, 01:35 Uhr von Big Tiger
Silverscree - I made one a while ago. Don't know whether Marty or I had the idea first but mine came out as "Yung" instead, ha ha.


Marty: yes I definitely didn't come up with the idea of 3-colour yin yang, definitely there were several examples before mine. But I do enjoy setting them, probably more than normal yin yangs

am 7. Februar 2025, 01:33 Uhr von Big Tiger
I finally solved a Marty Sears puzzle! And all on my own, ha ha!

am 7. Februar 2025, 00:46 Uhr von Myxo
Lots of fun, thanks!

am 6. Februar 2025, 22:51 Uhr von Silverscree
I've always loved three-colour yin yang (I also have always secretly added a yong to the rule in my mind) and this one doesn't disappoint. Thanks Marty :)

am 6. Februar 2025, 21:06 Uhr von Flinty
Bloody lovely.

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