This was part of a Setting Competition held in 2024/2025.
The Skunkworks League was hosted by @damasosos92.
The competition took place in a total of 7 turns with a unique prompt for each round. Setter's had to create and test a unique puzzle for each prompt solely by themselves.
As of the prompt for Turn 3 of TSL the goal was to create a permaculture out of two of several given genres of pencil puzzles. Furthermore the grid had to contain a very specific hole.
Since solving (or setting) a permaculture without experience with the two genres is quite difficult, I decided to first set an introductionary puzzle, that is solvable as both, Dominion or Tapa, on their own:
Introduction, Dominion / Tapa (Domino):
Solve the puzzle as either, a Dominion or a Tapa (Domino).
Shade some dominoes of cells to divide the grid into unshaded areas. Shaded dominoes may not touch orthogonally. Clues cannot be shaded, and each orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one type of clue, and all instances of it.
To clarify what is meant to be a "clue": The entirety of all digits within a single cell describe the type of clue the cell contains. So two clued cells have to contain identical digits in value and number to be considered the same type of clue.
Tapa (Domino):
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 area is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. The shaded cells must also be able to be divided into dominoes.
Main puzzle / official entry for the league:
Permaculture [Dominion + Tapa (Domino)]:
Divide the grid into two non-overlapping areas of orthogonally connected cells. One of the areas has to obey the rules of Tapa (Domino) and the other area has to fulfill the rules of Dominion.
Shade some dominoes of cells to divide the grid into unshaded regions. Shaded dominoes may not touch orthogonally. Clues cannot be shaded, and each orthogonally connected region of unshaded cells contains exactly one type of clue, and all instances of it.
Tapa (Domino):
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 area is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue.
Clues count all shaded cells regardless of whether they are part of the Tapa or Dominion area. The shaded cells must also be able to be divided into dominoes.
Each '?' stands for any number greater 0. Regarding the rules for dominion the represented numbers have to be considered in order to determine which clues have to be contained within the same region (e.g. the '>1' and '?' in the top right may or may not be the same type of clue depending on which number is represented by them).
Clarification on the border between the area:
Apart from the Tapa clues also counting the shaded cells in the dominion's area, the border between the two areas is to be treated like the grid border and there are no interactions between cells divided by the border.Therefore both cells of each domino must be contained within the same area.