Divide the grid into non-branching non-looping regions (snakes) of at least two colors. No 2x2 area is contained within one region. Four different regions cannot meet at the same corner.
If a number clue appears within a region, it denotes the product of the sizes of each color group within that region. Separate instances of the same color within a region count as new groups. Not all regions need to contain a number.
Solve on Sudokupad (No solution check)
Lösungscode: Quantity of vertical region borders in each row (disregard grid edges). 7 Digits.
am 3. Februar 2025, 02:06 Uhr von Sniglett
Cleaned up rules.
am 2. Februar 2025, 12:16 Uhr von marcmees
Q: Does every snake contains a given digit?
A: No, but unclued regions will still need to be snakes of 2+ color groups to be valid regions.