Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Who says my puzzles are odd?

(Eingestellt am 2. Februar 2025, 14:47 Uhr von Lorena)

Click here to play in Sven’s SudokuPad.

It’s slander! My puzzles aren’t odd! In fact, you can make them as even as you want, and I guarantee that you will still be able to arrive to the correct solution! Don’t believe me? Let me prove it to you!

Pick any even number you want and write it in the two green squares. (No, not 20! Normal sudoku rules still apply, you silly goose!) Now pick a different even number and (you guessed it) write it in the orange cells. (Or maybe you didn’t guess orange? That’s okay too. You can do purple first if you want.) Did you like that? Well, then do it again for the last two marked cells! (Actually, do it again even if you didn’t like it. Or don’t. I’m not the boss of you! You can ignore the squares altogether for all I care!).

What you do need to make sure of (at least if you want to reach the solution) is that the lines follow region sum rules, i.e. digits on a line have the same sum in each region the line passes through. (In this puzzle the regions are just the 3x3 boxes, nothing fancy). Oh! And I shouldn’t forget to mention that different lines can add up to different totals. See? I’m trying my best over here!

Anyway, that’s all. Have fun with it! The solution (& code for Logic Masters Germany) is the positive diagonal (r9c1 to r1c9) followed by the negative diagonal (r1c1 to r9c9).

This puzzle is part of my April Fools series. You can find my other puzzles here.

Thank you LMDemasi and gdc for testing ❤️ For legal reasons, the aforementioned individuals are not liable for any distress derived from attempting to solve this puzzle. You have been warned.

Lösungscode: The positive diagonal (r9c1 to r1c9) followed by the negative diagonal (r1c1 to r9c9) 18 digits, no spaces.

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Februar 2025, 19:41 Uhr

Gelöst von lmdemasi, anonymoose, Shweebag, Myxo, sanabas, sujoyku, Paquet Voleur, drmegadude, oaklian, Crusader175
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Zuletzt geändert am 5. Februar 2025, 00:24 Uhr

am 4. Februar 2025, 21:13 Uhr von drmegadude
This one was really fun! I've been loving the April fools series so far, the second one was my first time completing a 3 star puzzle :) thanks for setting!
Reply by Lorena: That’s awesome! Four stars next! Thank you for your nice comment.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2025, 03:53 Uhr

am 4. Februar 2025, 20:57 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
Well, since you're being sensitive to a certain word, I'll word it differently: this puzzle is very uneven. I mean, even the solution code is slanted. Thank you for the good uneven fun Lorena!
Reply by Lorena: One hundred and fifty five. There are one hundred and fifty five synonyms for “odd” easily available to any English speaker with an internet connection. You could have said “unusual”. You could’ve gone with “eccentric”. You could’ve chosen “quirky”, or “peculiar”, or even “avant-garde”. But out of the hundred and fifty five (that’s 155!), you chose UNEVEN?! And I’m being SENSITIVE?!! This is pure outrage. I won’t let this stand, oh no I won’t. Listen to this carefully because I will only say it once… YOU’RE UNEVEN!!

There, I said it.
Reply by Paquet Voleur: Well said Lorena! I'm "uneven", there's no denying. You can investigate this from different perspectives, but the conclusion always hold true. I'm not an English speaker (that's "incongruous"), I don't have an internet connection (that's very "avant-garde"), but I felt a deep connection with all the "quirky" numbers of this sudoku of yours, a sense of likeness if you know what I mean, and when I'm "divided in two, there's some leftover", some overspill (I'll pass the details). But where you got it wrong, it's when you suggested I choose my synonyms frivolously. Rest assured that I'm very serious about selecting synonyms with the utmost lunacy!
Reply by Lorena: Aha! I finally know what kind of pile you stole. A pile of dictionaries!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Februar 2025, 20:35 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2025, 09:19 Uhr von Myxo
Funny idea :)
Reply by Lorena: That’s pretty much all I aspire to! My favourite thing about this one is the 90s aesthetic, though.

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Februar 2025, 13:08 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2025, 07:42 Uhr von Shweebag
I’ve solved all of your April Fools sudokus so far and every time it feels like I’m cheating, especially in this one, it’s awesome!
Reply by Lorena: Thank you! Usually people say they feel cheated by my puzzles, so this is great for a change! Having said that, the next couple of puzzles probably won’t be like that, since they’re going to be quite light on the April (tom)foolery. That’s not my fault, though, a Wicked Witch got ahold of them! But don’t fret, I assure you that shenanigans shall resume once that’s taken care of.

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Februar 2025, 15:15 Uhr

am 2. Februar 2025, 14:59 Uhr von VitP
The stated difficulty rating of 1 is completely WRONG.
Reply by Lorena: Thanks for the feedback! I’m absolutely rubbish at estimating the difficulty, sorry! I’ve put it at 2* for now, may rise it further if people think it’s still too low.

Gelöst:10 mal
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