Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circle City

(Eingestellt am 28. Januar 2025, 18:44 Uhr von jwsinclair)

Circle City, by James Sinclair

Normal sudoku rules apply within the 9x9 grid (fill each row, column, and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9 once each).
Cells outside the grid contain skyscraper clues, which indicate the number of digits visible in that direction (where higher digits block the view of lower digits).
A digit inside a white circle must appear in at least one of the four cells surrounding that circle.
Digits in cells separated by a (smaller) white dot are consecutive.

Note: any digits entered outside the grid are ignored for solution-checking purposes.


If you or someone you know might enjoy a weekly set of puzzles that are pretty approachable by LMD standards (more so than this one, but sometimes not by much), check out Artisanal Sudoku. Thanks!

Lösungscode: row five, including both skyscraper clues, from left to right (11 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Januar 2025, 19:44 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, kublai, tuoni2, Joyofrandomness, konjecture, lianarox, Chefofdeath, Elliott810, Da Letter El, tallcat, zlotnleo, by81996672, AvonD, killer_rectangle, tuturitu, snowyegret, mse326, jcgodart, ... Andrewmi3, Mr_tn, Norkas, mercierus, pjhiatt, jimmy_bob, Julianl, sorryimLate, puzzlepandit, alexlovi, taniabn, bboom, Komeiji_Carey, widjo, paranoid, Statistica, geronimo92, nixxo, ch1983
Komplette Liste


am 2. Februar 2025, 08:03 Uhr von puzzlepandit
Hard Initially but turned into smooth flow after certain point. A must try I will say.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Januar 2025, 11:16 Uhr

am 30. Januar 2025, 22:10 Uhr von VitP
some comments here rate this puzzle as quite hard. i have found, over a long period of time, that KNOWING this is a james sinclair puzzle brings the difficulty down (3 is fair). the point is, there is ALWAYS a path that even a beginner COULD find. specifically, look at clues that were "useless" just prior to the last thing you deduced. one of them is now useful. took me a looong time, but at no time was i "stuck".
>>> for example, at the start, NONE of the clues are "useful", EXCEPT the 239 circles. but after working on those, NOW many of the other circles become useful. THEN you can return to the 239 circles and improve those. etc.

am 30. Januar 2025, 18:01 Uhr von greyhathero
Maybe I missed something but 4* for me. Beautiful bits of logic once you get your head around it

am 29. Januar 2025, 16:52 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! Beautiful interactions. When you don't spot the next step quickly, it can be quite a long solve. Thank you

am 28. Januar 2025, 22:24 Uhr von konjecture
I'm always a fan of how the skyscraper clues interact with other elements. Maybe I'm biased but it felt like a 3* to me.

The break in is a beautiful bit of logic.

am 28. Januar 2025, 19:44 Uhr von jwsinclair
edit: slight change to the puzzle (realized belatedly that a clue is redundant)

am 28. Januar 2025, 19:16 Uhr von jwsinclair
edit: adjusted difficulty (it may wind up at 3*, but I prefer to round up, so moved it to 4*)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

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