Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 22. Januar 2025, 19:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Reflected Rooftops : (Skyscraper hybrid)
    Each digit in the grid represents the height of a building in its cell. Taller buildings obstruct the view of shorter building's rooftops behind them.
    Clues outside the grid give the number of rooftops visible from the vantage point of the building in the first cell in the associated row or column. (not including itself)
    When a direction from a clue encounters a diagonal purple line, it's path must turn 90 degrees in the direction the angle would force. (ie - A building of height 6 can only see the rooftops of buildings at height 5 or lower)

  • Below is an example of how a Rooftop clue interacts with the diagonal purple lines within the grid:
    The vantage point of the first cell (highlighted in red) is used as the maximum height in which to see the other rooftops along the path.
    Cells in orange are rooftops seen by the cell in red ; cells in gray are rooftops hidden behind taller buildings in front of them.

  • SudokuPad link - link to solve puzzle below

Lösungscode: Row 3 followed by Column 8

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von StefanSch, Chilly, Elliott810, marcmees
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Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2025, 23:33 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2025, 23:27 Uhr von marcmees
Unravels beautifully digit after digit till the end. Thanks
Thanks marcmees.. It didn't always have this path though, I added one clue that smoothed it out so that it fell apart as you experienced. I do thank you for your feedback and the time to try the puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Januar 2025, 23:30 Uhr

am 24. Januar 2025, 22:51 Uhr von Elliott810
Beautiful puzzle! It took some time to get my head around this 'freaky' ruleset, but it was all worth it. Thanks:)
Appreciate the kind words and feedback, glad you found some enjoyment from this oddity. But within the next week or so, the weirdness will continue to escalate...

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Januar 2025, 16:23 Uhr

am 22. Januar 2025, 23:42 Uhr von Chilly
Freaky idea, well executed. Enjoyed this one a lot :)
Much appreciated chilly, but yeah I live in this area of sudoku these days, more freakshows are on the way...

Gelöst:4 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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