Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Halb acht / Half seven

(Eingestellt am 21. Januar 2025, 12:45 Uhr von perchik)

Anti-king sudoku rules apply. (Each row, column and box contains the digits 1-9 exactly once. Cells which are a king's move away from each other - i.e. adjacent orthogonally or diagonally - may not contain the same digit.)

Digits on a thermometer increase from the bulb.

Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the circle.

The cell on the left of the ">" is greater than the digit on the right.



Unfortunately the overlapping arrows and thermos aren't very clear in SudokuPad, but hopefully the picture above clarifies.

Lösungscode: Row 5

Gelöst von SirWoezel, AN_not_IO, koenik, Sudoku Lukas, efnenu, gbrljt, Linnce, flaemmchen, lootyloot, kkli, Joyofrandomness, tiuhto, Lemonator, jguer, noodlehead, damo_89, hige, PinkNickels, cmigas, SKORP17, ... ratolibre, Fisherman, Ragna, mightcould, ukjohnd, pepe74287, JSmoove1099, DozingSongbird, BakBak, TheDrunkBaby, Slumped_5, sprinkle13, Thut46, slatt490, logik66, Gizmo, ManuH, dingledork, ciaragst
Komplette Liste


am 26. Januar 2025, 15:49 Uhr von mightcould
I like the grid setup. Had no trouble remembering and sorting the thermos or arrows, but I always have trouble scanning that darn king's move constraint.

am 23. Januar 2025, 04:18 Uhr von amchap
Fun puzzle. Thanks for sharing. And I do find it interesting, as the title points out, how we use half/halb totally differently when we express time.

am 21. Januar 2025, 18:53 Uhr von PinkNickels
Fun one. I couldn't really see the longer arrow on the thermo in SudokuPad, so if you're about to solve, take a look at the image on the puzzle page so you don't miss something valuable! Thanks for sharing!

am 21. Januar 2025, 17:08 Uhr von VitP
don't forget the arrows !
i did, to my sorrow.

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:100 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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