Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

“They Stumble that Run Fast”

(Eingestellt am 20. Januar 2025, 22:14 Uhr von The Bard)

“They Stumble that Run Fast”

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column and box without repetition.

Anti-Knight: Cells that are a Knight's move apart (in chess) may not contain the same digit.

Cages: Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Palindrome: Digits on the grey line must read the same forward or backwards. The palindromes touching box 2 and 5 cross each other traveling straight.

Inequality: digits with an inequality symbol,

Solve on CTC

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Lösungscode: Row 1

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Januar 2025, 03:53 Uhr

Gelöst von gxorgx, SirWoezel, theweave, jadezki, michalil, by81996672, paranoid, noodlehead, pkratz22, Bjd, Killer-Ly , 9Rookienumbers, EmX68, SincereEngineer, SKORP17, vanessazym, grunde, Joyofrandomness, ... tiredsudoku, Chlorophyll, galium_odoratum, SparklePuzzle, goldennumber, Fizz, Isfan, TroublesomeOrca, separovich, Topalai, Koba, Cliff, KatiBru, TaeChi, crossoverdoc, Kabuki73, AKropki
Komplette Liste


am 7. Februar 2025, 21:51 Uhr von crossoverdoc
loved this puzzle .. the cages at the top along with the knights move constraint made for some great setting. Using the inequalities to fill in the colored grid at the end was awesome.

am 30. Januar 2025, 03:24 Uhr von goldennumber
Took a lot longer than expected, my first attempt via rows 6&7 failed, had to restart using the top left cage and slowly eroded my way through the colouring. A bit of lettering needed too, not convinced this was the right way but didn't need to use the inequalities until the entire grid was coloured.

am 21. Januar 2025, 00:37 Uhr von theweave
Thanks! I really enjoyed it but more of a two star if you figure out the right place to start.

am 20. Januar 2025, 23:45 Uhr von SirWoezel
So easy to mess your colouring up...

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:66 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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