Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Balance Beam

(Eingestellt am 20. Januar 2025, 08:08 Uhr von Jobo)

Hello, enjoy this puzzle!
All feedback and comments will be much appreciated!

Play in SudokuPad!


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits cannot repeat on the marked diagonal.
  • Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle.
  • Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Not all dots are given.
  • Cells separated by a king's move cannot contain the same digit.

Lösungscode: Column 9.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von galium_odoratum, Dermerlin, GrumpyMan, ludvigr04, thomamas, ukjohnd, drbs, jahela97, Wuschel, flipping, Bjd, flaemmchen, polcat, RebelSystem, sloffie, Visumation, zlotnleo, hollowpineapple, ecavalli, ... trashghost, m_and_m_toastie, MissLisa, Jesper, teuthida, Nagesh, Krisonium, damasosos92, nezuo, jalebc, H.I. McDunnough, linnommable, Uhu, ManuH, pepe74287, Phandor, synth, TeakH064, martin1456
Komplette Liste


am 20. Januar 2025, 16:53 Uhr von goldennumber
Nice start around the central cells and lines - not sure if this was the intended solve path but took me a while to notice the row 6/7 interaction on the left side that was needed to progress the puzzle

am 20. Januar 2025, 15:11 Uhr von PinkNickels
Beautiful flow. Excellent setting.

am 20. Januar 2025, 14:32 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle! Very elegant. Thank you. :-)

am 20. Januar 2025, 12:05 Uhr von Visumation
Nice little morning snack. Thanks

am 20. Januar 2025, 09:16 Uhr von galium_odoratum
This was fun!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:160 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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