reaction formation
(Eingestellt am 4. März 2025, 12:58 Uhr von aqjhs)
Pick your favorite cell on the grid and write it down or mark it in some way.
Place the digits 0 to 9 once each in every row, column and "box" delimited by thick lines.
The grid is toroidal:
- Each edge of the grid is considered to be adjacent/orthogonal to its opposite edge. (For example, r3c1 is considered orthogonally adjacent to r3c9.)
- Boxes wrap around opposite sides of the grid.
- Diagonals wrap around opposite sides of the grid. (For example, a diagonal going through the NW corner of r4c1 would wrap to a diagonal entering r3c9 from its SE corner.)
Mirror Yin-Yang:
- Divide the grid into two orthogonally connected regions such that no 2x2 area is completely contained in a region and no 2x2 region makes a checkerboard.
- Regions wrap around opposite sides of the grid.
- All cells in one region will have a value of 9-D, where D is the digit on the cell, and all cells in the other region will have a value of D.
- Please make sure your favorite cell is on the region that gets the 9-D value.
- Cells marked with a circle have a value equal to the count of the other (up to 8) neighboring cells that are in the same region.
- Cells marked with a square have a value equal to the count of the (up to 8) neighboring cells that are in the other region.
- Diagonal Decimal Full Rank:
- There are 76 possible diagonals starting at an edge of the grid. Reading the (infinite) values in the direction of a diagonal describes a decimal number between 0 and 1. (For example, if the values along a diagonal are 123456789... then the described decimal number is 0.123456789...)
- Red clues outside the grid show the rank of the pointed diagonal among the 76 numbers ordered non decreasingly.
- Blue clues outside the grid show the difference between the ranks of the two pointed diagonals.
- If two or more numbers are tied, their rank is the lowest of them.
- Adjacent cells along a yellow line have values with a difference of at least 6.
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See also:
Lösungscode: Values on column 6, top to bottom.
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