Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 1. Februar 2025, 00:00 Uhr von aqjhs)

For this one I took a page of Chinstrap's Two Truths and a Truth and some of Christounet and Sotehr's twin puzzles.

  • The puzzle consists of two identical grids.
  • Anti-Pair Sudoku rules: on each 9x9 grid place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and box. Cells on the same position on both grids may not have the same digits.
  • Twin rules: each line appears in the same position in both grids. Lines are either thermometers or index lines. Each line is of one type in one grid and the other type in the other grid. It is up to the solver to determine the nature of each line in each grid. (A line may satisfy both constraints in one grid and only one constraint in the other grid.)
    • On a thermometer digits increase starting from the bulb.
    • On an index line, the n-th digit starting from the bulb indicates the position along the line where the digit n appears.

Online in Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Row 3 of the grid with the highest digit on r3c1.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von SincereEngineer, tuturitu, SKORP17, zhall12570, Azumagao, roflsalot, lmdemasi, Smartacus, VitP, Christounet, Sotehr, Scojo, ManuH, ViKingPrime, dogfarts, mercierus, Clara123, salsais, trashghost
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am 3. Februar 2025, 22:16 Uhr von ViKingPrime
A very impressive take on Twindoku, love what you've been doing lately. Keep up the great setting!

am 3. Februar 2025, 15:10 Uhr von Christounet
Negative constraint is sneaky indeed, but you get used to it once you know how and when to scan. Enjoyed this a lot and very happy to see other twin grids out there. Thanks :)

am 3. Februar 2025, 10:06 Uhr von VitP
this is a great puzzle BUT there is a problem - an administrative problem. the grids are VERY small, and you will need a LOT of pencil marks - very hard to see.
one thing i do to mitigate this is to assign a colour to each digit, and whenever there are more than 4 candidates per cell, i use the colour notation. further, when the candidates form a RANGE, the colours i use are {[low colour], [high colour], white (means "range")}.
difficulty 3 is appropriate. you need to really understand the index lines, and there are further difficulties, especially in the late game on one grid.
it is easy to miss the NEGATIVE CONSTRAINT.

am 1. Februar 2025, 22:03 Uhr von zhall12570

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:19 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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