Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Square German Ring

(Eingestellt am 14. Januar 2025, 15:08 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with SudokuPad

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.

• Adjacent digits along a green German Whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.

• Digits in a cage do not repeat and sum to the clue in the top left.


Happy Solving and God Bless


Lösungscode: Enter row 7 digits

Gelöst von Joyofrandomness, EmX68, tgstar, OGRussHood, ryan_campbell2010, BBoris, hige, Killer-Ly , thomamas, ludvigr04, MontanaPearl, noodlehead, jcg5a, Kenji769, VeTaurus, pseudoku, zuzanina, weiken, cmigas, ... Luke7614, MaxSmartable, Beliat, nixxo, chrysalis, CSStead, Calesch, corrie, Leoninus, atliruyalar, Leek169, chamedasaesse, Vaurien, Baklin, chubnatty, uncleWind, mathemathics, Wyrdsister, Kirra
Komplette Liste


am 15. Januar 2025, 22:49 Uhr von nunc
Once again a very beautiful puzzle. For me it is 2/5 for difficulty.

am 15. Januar 2025, 17:04 Uhr von achambers2010
I tried to not use the Phistomofel ring despite the obviousness of the design. Like with the Borg, resistance was futile.

am 15. Januar 2025, 07:39 Uhr von Peteronium
Phistomel ring? Oops. Solved it anyway in a reasonable time. Good and very nice 1* puzzle.

am 15. Januar 2025, 06:22 Uhr von TheNineElements
Solve Time: 18:53

I rated this 2/5 difficulty

This is probably the best approachable puzzle I've seen that utilizes the phistomefel ring!

I think the logic itself is fairly rated around 1-2/5 difficulty, but I tilted my difficulty rating towards 2/5 difficulty just because the use of the phistomefel ring is somewhat of an intermediate/advanced technique - and I am not sure a true beginner would have any idea how to approach this puzzle without that prior knowledge. Perhaps it is approachable/solvable without using the ring logic, but I utilized it heavily during the break-in and early midgame. Still, I thought that the break in was just wonderful for an 'easier' puzzle. The break-in was straightforward but very fun all around. The rest of the solve was also beautiful and very fun.

All that being said, this is probably the absolute best puzzle to introduce someone to the phistomefel ring IMO, supposing that they are familiar with whispers/killer cages. This puzzle struck an excellent balance of being totally approachable and fair without being trivial at all. I've solved several puzzles now with a similar 'premise', but I think that this puzzle is the best I've seen in its difficulty class.

Thanks for sharing!

am 14. Januar 2025, 16:29 Uhr von OGRussHood
A square German ring? Gee, I wonder what kind of German ring you could be talking about! :D

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:215 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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