Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Little killer arrows

(Eingestellt am 9. Januar 2025, 10:54 Uhr von psninn)

The standard Sudoku rules apply.
Digits along marked diagonals sum to the number indicated outside the grid.
Digits along an arrow are diffrent and sum to the digit shown in the circle.

Click the image to play.↓↓↓

Lösungscode: R9

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Januar 2025, 13:45 Uhr

Gelöst von Kallor, Marcos, Targora, Blake Saligia, Genius52, RebelSystem, OutOfMyMindBRB, keenbowl, Luigi, gbrljt, japanoise_breakfast, fuxia, flaemmchen, Fisherman, Crul, Chelo, hige, ludvigr04, Ragna, ... noodlehead, H.I. McDunnough, KyleBaran, wang, yangduoxing, drmegadude, timww572, pepe74287, zhangjinyang, MissLisa, SSBear, asdfg, Selsted, PinkNickels, teuthida, SXH, Juanfox, Lovejoy , forsen
Komplette Liste


am 15. Januar 2025, 19:24 Uhr von PinkNickels
Fun one! Definitely read the instructions carefully, as snowden reminds us!

am 12. Januar 2025, 05:43 Uhr von KyleBaran
Took me a while to solve, but it still solves with standard arrow logic (eg you can eliminate repeated digits as a possibility normally)

am 10. Januar 2025, 00:28 Uhr von snowden
If you find yourself getting stuck please note that the arrow rule is slightly non standard and digits can't repeat on an arrow

am 10. Januar 2025, 00:10 Uhr von snowden
If you find yourself getting stuck please note that the arrow rule is slightly non standard and digits can't repeat on an arrow

am 9. Januar 2025, 17:16 Uhr von Ragna
Very good construction! Thank you. :-)

am 9. Januar 2025, 13:45 Uhr von psninn

am 9. Januar 2025, 13:43 Uhr von Targora
Nice flow, solution code is still wrong

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Januar 2025, 12:49 Uhr

am 9. Januar 2025, 12:37 Uhr von OutOfMyMindBRB
Nice and elegant flow - thanks :-)

Can you check the solution code?

am 9. Januar 2025, 11:38 Uhr von jalebc

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:82 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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