I made this puzzle following a spontaneous prompt from roflsalot about the antiknight constraint and dutch whisper lines in a full rank puzzle.
Inspired by The Book Wyrm's Prestige.
See also:
Lösungscode: The value of the number in rank 18.
am 13. Februar 2025, 21:54 Uhr von aqjhs
Clarification: digits are used for Dutch Whispers, and values are used for Ranking.
For example, r1c6 and r2c7 will have digits with a difference of 4, but the nine-digit number corresponding to column 6 read from top to bottom starts with the value pointed by r1c6 along the loop, not with the digit on r1c6 itself.
am 12. Februar 2025, 10:37 Uhr von byeler
I completely forgot about the knight's constraint, and, as a result, struggled way too much with this (also the solution code doesn't seem to be working)
oops, looks like i can't count, should be fixed now
am 12. Februar 2025, 03:48 Uhr von roflsalot
I would like to point out that I had no part in the inspiration for this. In fact, I think a world with anti-knight, dutch whispers, and full rank is a hellscape.