Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Fillomino Frog

(Eingestellt am 7. Januar 2025, 10:49 Uhr von Die Hard)


After a fillomino with a fog, why not a fillomino with a frog?

Hopefully people get the "no N can appear in row/column N rule" now, but this time I've marked them to help!


Normal fillomino rules apply. Divide the grid into orthogonally connected regions, each filled with their size, such that no two regions of the same size touch each other orthogonally.

All regions are of size 1 to 9 and the digit N does not appear in row N or column N.

Find a path for the frog to reach the mosquito such that:

  • It always hops orthogonally one cell at a time.
  • In every 3 cells it visits (including the first and last), it always hops on a low (1, 2, 3), middle (4, 5, 6), and high (7, 8, 9) digit.
  • It never hops in the same fillomino region more than once.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy this puzzle.

Lösungscode: will be revealed when the puzzle is completed.

Gelöst von Snookerfan, Tilberg, Piff, Luca01122, SKORP17, jessica6, jkuo7, Al Fresco, dogfarts, pillowss, misko
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Zuletzt geändert am 7. Januar 2025, 20:41 Uhr

am 7. Januar 2025, 18:09 Uhr von jessica6
Must the frog visit every region, or can it omit some regions entirely?

Die Hard: There are no rules that dictate the frog must visit every region.

Zuletzt geändert am 7. Januar 2025, 20:50 Uhr

am 7. Januar 2025, 14:13 Uhr von Snookerfan
Fantastic puzzle! After thinking very hard, everything fell into place! I really loved how two of the given digits forced the solution. Thank you for this gem!

Die Hard: Thank you! It is definitely a tricky start, but I think and hope that everyone that figures it out will appreciate a few ah-ha moments.

Gelöst:11 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

Lösung abgeben

