Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

overflow underway

(Eingestellt am 9. Januar 2025, 05:05 Uhr von aqjhs)

I made this puzzle following Scojo's prompt to make a deconstruction puzzle with German Whisper and Palindromic lines.

  • Deconstruction rules: Place nine disjoint 3x3 regions on the grid and place the digits 1-9 in them so that they don't repeat in rows, columns and regions.
  • Cells outside regions don't contain any digit but their value is equal to the count of the, up to 8, other non-region cells around it. Cells inside regions have a value equal to the digit they hold.
  • Adjacent cells along a green line must have a value difference of at least 5.
  • Grey lines are palindromes: their values read the same in either direction.

Online in Sudokupad

More deconstruction:

Lösungscode: Values on row 4

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Januar 2025, 23:31 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, gdc, AKropki, MattYDdraig, Justalilguy, Neokart, dogfarts, Da Letter El, jkuo7, Sotehr, lmdemasi, ThePedallingPianist, roflsalot, karlmortenlunna, JayForty, misko, Silverstep, askaksaksask, numpty, JDP678, MonsieurTRISTE, zakkai, ViKingPrime, Scojo, palpot, tuturitu, bansalsaab, steeto
Komplette Liste


am 15. Januar 2025, 03:18 Uhr von askaksaksask
Great puzzle! This was a two-evening effort on my part. The break in was lovely, much clearer after I started pencil marking the values of ALL cells... very clever setting throughout. I think an 88% here is underrated (very creative approach), but ~5* seems on point. Bravo!

am 13. Januar 2025, 21:18 Uhr von Silverstep
Nice break-in, very nice decon sudoku setup. It's been a while since I had the chance to flex the decon muscles!

am 10. Januar 2025, 05:44 Uhr von MattYDdraig
Really nice deconstruction. Very clever use of the Germans.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Januar 2025, 22:07 Uhr

am 9. Januar 2025, 18:35 Uhr von aqjhs
In this puzzle a cell that is not covered by the 3x3 regions is considered a *non-region cell*.

For the sake of solution checking these non-region cells don't have any digit on them.

For the sake of line constraints, non-region cells have a value equal to the count of the orthogonal or diagonal neighboring cells that are also non-region cells.
This count doesn't include the cell itself and it is bounded from above by 8 since a cell has at most 8 neighboring cells.

The solution code consists of all eleven values on row 4.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Januar 2025, 17:28 Uhr

am 9. Januar 2025, 17:24 Uhr von SKORP17
ziemlich unverständliche Regel:
Cells outside regions don't contain any digit but their value is equal to the count of the, up to 8, other non-region cells around it

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:28 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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