Positive direction
(Eingestellt am 5. Januar 2025, 22:29 Uhr von Kaktuslav)
Play in SudokuPad
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits along thermometers strictly increase from bulb to tip. Digits on the arrow sum to the digit in the arrows circle.
P.S. Such a simple pattern is likely a reinvention. If you happen to know an earlier source, please share it in a comment.
Lösungscode: Negative diagonal (6 digits, from top-left to bottom-right)
Gelöst von Rearden, allenz0rz, RockyRoer, Juanfox, Fisherman, anonymoose, Calesch, norbijunior, ludvigr04, pseudoku, BenTen, Joyofrandomness, SanFranSam, lootyloot, PinkNickels, gladius, lordtom, Gizmo, cmigas, ... vlin, Thomster, Raistlen, adam001, Montikulum, jcg5a, Roberto, dingledork, Crul, jhuijts, geronimo92, Dermerlin, apendleton, DozingSongbird, drf93, Selsted, ManuH, teuthida, zhangjinyang, zixx, moss
Zuletzt geändert am 5. Januar 2025, 23:19 Uhram 5. Januar 2025, 23:18 Uhr von RockyRoer
Not the exact same pattern, but had a similar feel to jugglers Cross Product: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000KWW