Divisor Pairrows
(Eingestellt am 5. Januar 2025, 01:03 Uhr von Calump)
Divisor Pairrows
If you liked this style of constraint, maybe try:
Product Pairrows
or the Whereows series by Juggler
Sudokupad link: Click Here
- Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply.
- Each circled cell with two arrows contains a digit N, and points to two cells N steps away in the indicated directions.
- The value of each N is equal to the largest of the digits in the referenced cells divided by the other.
Lösungscode: Row 4
Gelöst von Sudoku Lukas, AdamPI, Archon, mathpesto, rkm_sts, CitrusGremlin, Postnormal, Jreg, Calesch, SanFranSam, Mr. Happy, efnenu, marcmees, brimmy, bbutrosghali, vlin, dielilla, AKropki, kuniwau, jgarber, ... ringel, LarryEn, volvero, NickTheGreek, hasti2c, Kolobra, patolucatis, tsosquad, johnathan_higgins, Spooof, W1n5t0n, stefanh, juggler, Montikulum, ryugane, Krisonium, gambatte, _noname, jobs2554
am 6. Januar 2025, 04:00 Uhr von amchap
I liked that a lot. I expected it to be a little more trivial. But it had some really neat interactions.
am 5. Januar 2025, 23:54 Uhr von macintux
Very, very nice puzzle. Loved the interactions between the clues in boxes 2, 3, and 4.
am 5. Januar 2025, 04:34 Uhr von CitrusGremlin
So far out of all the mathematical pairrows I've tried in recent days, division might be my favorite