Lösungscode: Reeihe 6 bitte
am 12. Januar 2025, 00:49 Uhr von Casp_p
I agree with the S4K comment :-) My brain isn't braining anymore but is was heaps of fun. Thx for setting the puzzle
am 5. Januar 2025, 09:43 Uhr von SanFranSam
I really gotta stop starting these things at 10 minutes to midnight (California time) thinking I am going to get done in 10 minutes. ;)
am 3. Januar 2025, 22:27 Uhr von Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht! Dankeschön. :-)
am 3. Januar 2025, 19:17 Uhr von S4K
The reverse arrow rule gave me the worst headache LOL. Amazing puzzle nevertheless.
am 3. Januar 2025, 17:42 Uhr von hardline35
such an original rule. it's a good challenge, thank you!
am 3. Januar 2025, 17:23 Uhr von Adrian71
Beautiful puzzle! Enjoyed it a lot. At some point I got stuck but it appeared I missed an important detail in the grid (not to self: get glasses). Thanks for the fun!
am 3. Januar 2025, 12:20 Uhr von CFood
i was stuck in column 4 for a while before i finally spotted it. that was a really cool trick
am 3. Januar 2025, 11:42 Uhr von davew
Really enjoyable puzzle. Loved the way the arrow lines interacted
am 3. Januar 2025, 11:02 Uhr von Fisherman
A gem.
am 3. Januar 2025, 09:52 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle! Thanks
am 3. Januar 2025, 09:10 Uhr von glum_hippo
Such a polite solution code! :D Nice puzzle