Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tower of Hanoi

(Eingestellt am 5. Januar 2025, 06:40 Uhr von pagedo)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Disks are represented by killer cages where digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat. Disks/killer cages are shown in Grid Box 1 (GB1). All other disks/killer cages must be determined. Determine which single cell 5 disk/killer cage, double cell 9 disk/killer cage and/or triple cell 13 disk/killer cage and where they are placed and aligned in GBs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. GB7 is only used for Sudoku.

Given digits represent the tower number for the start and the tower number for each solution step where a disk is moved to. Tower numbers and disk/killer cage digits do not overlap.

Cells joined by a white dot are consecutive. Cells joined by a black dot have a ratio of 2. Not all dots are given.


Link to sudokupad


Puzzle Descrption:
The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle.

Start with tower 1 with 3 disks stacked on top of each other in smallest to largest order. Towers 2 and 3 are empty. Move the entire stack to tower 2, obeying the following rules:

- Only one disk may be moved at a time.
- Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack or on an empty tower.
- No disk may be placed on top of a disk that is smaller than it.

With three disks, the puzzle can be solved in seven moves. The solution step image below is for assistance with the Tower of Hanoi solution steps and what disks are displayed in the sudoku's GBs.

Sudoku Grid Use for Tower Of Hanoi:
The Sudoku 3x3 grid boxes show the starting tower 1 and each destination tower where a disk is moved to. The 3 disks are represented by a single cell killer cage summing to 5, a 2 cell killer cage summing to 9 and a 3 cell killer cage summing to 13. A box's disks are aligned left or aligned right along a column such as the starting tower in GB1. Disks may be aligned to the GB's centre column if all the GB's disks are less than 3 cells.

GB1 shows tower 1 and the starting alignment of the 3 disks. GBs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 show the destination tower (1, 2 or 3) for the moved disk for the Tower of Hanoi solution step. GB7 is not used to display a Tower of Hanoi solution step.

For example - solution step 1 moves the single cell 5 disk from the top of tower 1 to the bottom of tower 2. This is shown in GB2 as a single 5 digit somewhere on GB2's row 3.

Another example - solution step 3 moves the single cell 5 disk from the bottom of tower 1 to the middle of tower 3, sitting on top of the double cell 9 disk. This is shown in GB4 as a single 5 digit somewhere on GB4's row 2 and a double cell summing to 9 somewhere on GB4's row 3. Both cells are aligned either left in columns 1 or 2 or aligned right in columns 2 or 3 of GB4.

The initial given digits in the grid are the number of the Tower of Hanoi solution step's destination tower where a disk is moved to.



Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to give feedback.



Lösungscode: Row 2 digits

Gelöst von jalebc, NineK, harwiltz, gladius, SKORP17, IvoryLinnie, Rollo, oumaelkhattabi, THef of Time
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 6. Januar 2025, 05:36 Uhr

am 5. Januar 2025, 22:58 Uhr von Rollo
Toll gemacht! :-)
Thank you Rollo

Gelöst:9 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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