Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Crystal Cross

(Eingestellt am 28. Dezember 2024, 17:13 Uhr von Pixel_StrengthReal)

Normal sudoku rules apply Digits on an arrow must sum to the digit placed in that arrow's circle. Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Clues outside the grid with an arrow are the sum of the digits in the cells along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat along these diagonals if allowed by other rules. Digits in a Pink Cell are either chosen from (1,2,3,4) or (6,7,8,9). All Cells Orthogonally Adjacent to a Pink Cell must be of the opposite set of digits.
Play on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row One followed by Column 1 with no spaces

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Dezember 2024, 17:17 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, lmdemasi, efnenu, jalebc, Diddlmus, Chilimy, Bjd, mnhuik, Fisherman, cryptique, paranoid, mihel111, DanishDynamite, emwmasu, Lorena, Montikulum, Uhu, Crul, teuthida, dingledork, Nagesh, SeveNateNine, Myxo, The Book Wyrm
Komplette Liste


am 28. Dezember 2024, 17:17 Uhr von Pixel_StrengthReal
updated image and link

Bewertung:78 %
Gelöst:24 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Variantenkombination

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