Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Five Killer Knights

(Eingestellt am 21. Dezember 2024, 01:43 Uhr von meggen033)

This puzzle is just anti-knight and killer cages! Check out my previous puzzles with these rules:

1.) Rooks are Better

2.) One Killer Knight

3.) Two Killer Knights

4.) Three Killer Knights

5.) Four Killer Knights

Solve with SudokuPad

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.

• Cells separated by a knight's move in chess cannot contain the same digit.

• Digits in a cage do not repeat and sum to the clue in the top left.


Happy Solving and God Bless


Lösungscode: Enter row 7 digits

Gelöst von rictech, ccotreau, ole-1995a, Dermerlin, noodlehead, Greg, hardline35, Kirra, mvondras, arteful, Joyofrandomness, gamlesvarten, pkratz22, metacom, Guavakiller3310, zonny, Archon, LachyDachy, ... sortofrican90, ChampionAsh5357, JSmoove1099, BEHamren, rexxk, robbaker292, OBu42, frosto, golfminer13, Sus, 3inthecorner, yusuf17, Beliat, Neumino, tuoni2, Calesch, grunde, Uhu, ludvigr04, Ryaffio
Komplette Liste


am 29. Dezember 2024, 07:04 Uhr von PatMac
Very enjoyable. Flowed nicely.
Thanks for setting.

am 22. Dezember 2024, 22:28 Uhr von amchap
Beautiful pattern of cages and knight moves. Thanks for sharing.

am 21. Dezember 2024, 18:08 Uhr von Karitsu
A lovely break-in, as always! Then a very simple flow from there. A lovely morning snack!

am 21. Dezember 2024, 15:57 Uhr von faltenin
I love how it flowed nicely, then I got stuck, not knowing what to do... and wondering how restricted one of the remaining cages were...

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:266 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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