Lösungscode: For the solution code, enter column 9 (read top to bottom) of the solved puzzle.
am 12. Februar 2025, 18:14 Uhr von Tingo
This was great. Thanks for setting and sharing!
am 30. Januar 2025, 07:46 Uhr von Zarlino
A rare slow thermo puzzle in which I didn't make a mistake. Very enjoyable: thank you!
am 31. Dezember 2024, 00:46 Uhr von PinkNickels
Not sure why such a low rating.
am 20. Dezember 2024, 14:45 Uhr von alefenu
I think i didnt use the clue on r7c6
am 19. Dezember 2024, 23:50 Uhr von Vedvart
Shortened the solution code, per feedback.
am 19. Dezember 2024, 20:14 Uhr von fallean
fun puzzle but not a fan of such a long solution code :(
am 19. Dezember 2024, 01:30 Uhr von NotSoMagnifique
A stretch of my pencil marking, well done!
am 19. Dezember 2024, 00:58 Uhr von Squiz
Thanks for setting. I suggest shortening the solution code to 1 row. For us IOS people there is no copy and paste for cells :(
am 17. Dezember 2024, 23:18 Uhr von stonetim
Very fun puzzle. Simple and straightforward ruleset.
Would probably be 1 star difficulty though, as I finished in 5 minutes. Normally 2 star for me is about 20 minutes I'd guess.