My son and I did a theme puzzle for 2025.
This is my puzzle. Not an easy 1 star but still not 2 star difficulty?
Have fun and leave a comment.
Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.
Digits along a gray palindrome line read the same forwards as backwards along the line.
Digits along a purple Renban line must form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.
Cells separated by an X must sum to 10. Cells separated by a V must sum to 5. Not all Xs and Vs are necessarily given (no negative constraint).
Lösungscode: Row 4 left to right.
am 17. Dezember 2024, 21:12 Uhr von Adrian71
Lovely puzzle, approachable and fun to solve!
am 17. Dezember 2024, 15:35 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle
am 17. Dezember 2024, 12:25 Uhr von Kirra
Such lovely logic and flow. I really enjoyed this. And the fact that you and your son made puzzles together is awesome.
am 17. Dezember 2024, 08:39 Uhr von Onkel_Dagobert
Far from „easy“ for me, but approachable and fun.
am 17. Dezember 2024, 00:04 Uhr von SanFranSam
Finally an easy one... for me. ;)
am 16. Dezember 2024, 18:59 Uhr von fallean
That had a really fun flow to it