Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

9-5's a Killer

(Eingestellt am 16. Dezember 2024, 06:39 Uhr von alex4.26)

Ah, the dreaded 9-5 grind—where dreams go to die, coffee flows like lifeblood, and every hour feels like an eternity. Slaving away in the office can be miserable! A 9-5's a Killer, but maybe this puzzle can bring some joy!



1. Normal sudoku rules apply

2. Killer Cages: Digits in a cage sum to the total in the top left. Digits cannot repeat in a cage.

3. Little Killer Sum: Digits along the indicated diagonal sum to the given total outside of the grid.

4. 9-5: All 9s and 5s must appear in cages (excluding given digits). Orthogonally adjacent cells cannot add to 9 or 5 unless both digits are in a cage.


Lösungscode: Column 5, top to bottom.

Gelöst von Joyofrandomness, mackant1, pseudoku, Dermerlin, Killer-Ly , gdc, Guillem98, Guavakiller3310, VeTaurus, Econic, jalebc, Virux, maddestmonarch, NineK, shifman23, Karitsu, fuxia, abadx, Marigold, ... paranoid, Cialoh, moss, marsigel, Nonio7, r0the, RSVPlayer14, Chilimy, Zenryo, ElimGarak, Jastucreudo, popcorn99, seven-seas, Felden, Zarlino, pandello, DerRiese, Leoninus, Llamaths, yusuf17
Komplette Liste


am 19. Dezember 2024, 22:01 Uhr von dzamie
Pretty entertaining ruleset. The little killer sum was a little disappointing - or more of an anticlimax, rather, though that might be my fault for ignoring it until the very end.

am 18. Dezember 2024, 17:42 Uhr von VitP
the "orthogonally adjacent" rule isn't needed

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Dezember 2024, 16:39 Uhr

am 16. Dezember 2024, 16:39 Uhr von Mozart40
My last 2 dominos there were solved by the little killers clue.

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Dezember 2024, 16:30 Uhr

am 16. Dezember 2024, 16:28 Uhr von Rok1980
I was not able to dissambiguate the last 4 digits with the current rules as given, so it seems it may have 2 solutions. They are r5c2/r6c2 and r5c4/r6c4. Otherwise, nice and easy puzzle!

-edit- The puzzle image is different as it does not have a cage in r5c4, the puzzle in the link does have a cage in that cell

am 16. Dezember 2024, 12:49 Uhr von Karitsu
A bit easier than I’m used to playing here, but still enjoyable. And how appropriate to be the way I start off my Monday morning before getting ready for work.

Bewertung:83 %
Gelöst:144 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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